Памяти Джона Леннона

Вчера (а в некоторых часовых поясах сегодня утром) был день рождения Джона Леннона :)). Поздравляю с ним всех битломанов и хочу познакомить всех разделяющих моё увлечение с отправленным мне вчера письмом. К сожалению, из-за разницы во времени я прочитала его с опозданием.

“On 9 Oct 2008, John Lennon’s birthday, Yoko Ono asks the people of Iceland
to join her and many others across the rest of the world in praying for peace
and stability.


At 8pm, as IMAGINE PEACE TOWER (http://www.imaginepeace.com/tower.html) is illuminated on the island of Vi?ey,
she asks everyone to join together and let the power of light and prayer
become a collective expression of the desire for peace and harmony on our

Dear Friends

Please join me not only in remembering John on October 9th
but also in spreading the message of peace. This is something
that was so important to John – the fact that we could all work
together for the positive good of our planet.
He would have loved how we are all mobilizing ourselves in
thought and in action. It’s time for action and the action is peace!

with love, yoko

Yoko Ono
9 Oct 2008


send your wishes to the Imagine Peace Tower by email:

post your handwritten wishes on a postcard to:
IMAGINE PEACE TOWER, PO Box 1009, 121 Reykjavik, Iceland

9th midday Anchorage
9th 1pm Los Angeles
9th 2pm Guatemala
9th 3pm Chicago
9th 4pm New York
9th 4pm Montreal
9th 5pm Rio de Janeiro
9th 8pm Reykjavik
9th 9pm Liverpool
9th 10pm Europe
9th 11pm Baghdad
10th midnight Moscow
10th 1am Karachi
10th 2am Dhaka
10th 3am Bangkok
10th 4am Shanghai
10th 5am Tokyo
10th 6am Sydney
10th 7am Vladivostok
10th 8am Suva
10th 9am Auckland
10th 10am Kiritimati

К письму приложены вот такие фотографии Imagine Peace Tower, в создании которой я имела честь принимать небольшое участие :)), в связи с чем, по-видимому, мне и прислали это письмо:

Просмотров: 82

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